Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Friday, October 10, 2008

Update 1

Back for my monthly post! :) It is in three parts this time because I wanted to put in lots of pictures. This first part is about our homeschooling. So far everything is working out well. We are kind of co-oping with another family - the Garrisons - so we kind of share the days of the week and we can adjust our schedules if the moms have something special. Like next week the Garrison mom (Kara) will be up at the northern border meeting with a group of women from a neighboring country for Bible studies and I will have the kids on her days. Later, when I have meetings, she will take over for me.

So the first picture here shows Seth & Grant with Katie and Jake around our "dining room" table making models of cells. I do the science and Kara does the writing stuff. We share the history and Bible and any other daily subjects.
We are studying Ancient civilizations and the Old Testament mixed in. Here the kids are making a pyramid out of sugar cubes (always a winning activity).
And my favorite activity shown next -- we are mummifying a chicken!! :) Unfortunately I didn't have a good picture of it. It still has it's head (kind of curled over to the side) but we had to cut its feet off to fit in the ziplock bag. We have to keep it in a salt mixture for 6 weeks (we are on week 4) and then we perfume it and wrap it in cloth strips. Doesn't that sound fun!! We change the salt mixture periodically and we put cloves in with the salt to help it smell better. After the first week the smell really hasn't been too bad. But let me tell you -- I wouldn't want to be mummified!!
Here they are after labeling their bones - the older sibling labeled the younger sibling. They all get along really well and I think they are learning lots, too! :)

Part 2 - The dirty boys!

Cole and Nolan have had a great time playing intramural Ultimate Frisbee for the past 6 weeks. Yesterday was their last game. Sports here aren't just like at home - it just doesn't feel right to be rivals with the people you want to witness to about God's love :) - they do a couple of intramural sports here along with the usual soccer, basketball, track and volleyball, and that gives more kids more chances to be active. So anyways, this is still rainy season and they play on a field that has quite a few low places, so there is a lot of mud. I thought I'd just give you a few shots of them playing.
This is there team -- ECHO
This is the muddy field - Cole and Nolan are the two players to the most right
At least Cole and Nolan weren't wearing white this time! They are the dark shirts on the left this time.After the game rituals -- hosing off and comparing wounds! :) These pictures don't really do justice to their dirtiness!! :)

Nolan has turned into a pretty good guitar player - he picked up the guitar in January and we didn't have to have the ear plugs handy for too long. He got an electric guitar in August with his summer money and birthday money. I think it is a good outlet for him!They haven't stopped growing yet and they are doing a conditioning class in school so their muscles are growing, too!! :) Cole will be starting track next week (but it is a short season) and Nolan will start basketball in November. They are both taking a couple of AP classes this year and they actually have homework a few nights a week so life stays busy! So that's the big boys!

Update Part 3

Last but not least, my update. :) I keep busy with the homeschooling and my part-time "job" helping language learners, plus keeping up with my high-schoolers. There is a mom's of seniors group that meets a couple of times a month to pray for the seniors and to do a little fun thing for them once a month so I go to that. Plus there are always lots of misc. meetings here and there to go to for the school. I have stopped my Thai tutor sessions for a little while - life was getting too busy; but I still try to read and learn new words at least a couple of times a week. I had a very nice visit with the lady who cut my hair last week - all in Thai and about a broad range of topics. :) It feels good when I can do that and it is getting easier - but I still have a ways to go to be fluent!!

I got to go to a women's retreat last weekend and it was a great time of being with other women (I started to write western women, but there were all kinds of women there which made it even better!), relaxing, and spending time with God. This is a picture from the balcony of my room - a little Thai art - I just thought it was cool! :)

And my final picture, my first hand-pieced quilt block! One of the ladies in our group is an avid quilter and makes a quilt for all of the new babies in our group. But she is home on furlough this year and there is a baby coming in December!! So another friend thought we could do a group project and get this new baby a quilt made. I think there are 4 of us working together (I only had to do one block and I will help quilt it.) It was fun to do! My block is the one on the right. The colors are pretty bright!! I'll try to remember to post a picture of the finished quilt.

It may be another month before I post again -- such is life! :) TTFN!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Once a month posting??!!

A very recent family picture! We've got a bunch of growing boys around here!! :)

Between being sick and being busy, time flies!! School is going well for everyone. I finally feel like I'm a little more on top of things. Cole and Nolan are both on student council this year and they are both playing intramural Ultimate Frisbee - they stay busy with activities and homework. Cole is starting to write application essays!! Scary!! He might leave me! (okay - I know it's more like probably but I'm easing into this thing!! He'll be an ocean-plus away!!)

Here is my current desktop - made by me with my digital scrapping tools - I like having my boys looking at me. :) I'm still new at this blogging stuff so if everything does't come out just right, you'll just have to understand!

So have a good weekend!


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where does the time go??!!

Well, we had a great time in Chiangrai doing nothing! Here are a few pictures to show you what we did:

It was a restful time but we all felt like we could use another week of the same nothing. But, alas, we had to return and get ready for school. Cole and Nolan went back to GIS on Wednesday and Seth and Grant started school at home again, too. We all had a good week but I am feeling like I don't quite have a handle on everything. Such is life!!
